Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Solutions for Split hair

Solutions for Split hair

Split ends will happen to almost anyone who goes too long between trims.
This problem is more common to long hair lovers because they are the most likely to put off getting haircuts. As the hair grows and reaches a certain length, the protective layer of the hair, the cuticle, becomes damaged and allows the fibers of the inner layers, the cortex and medula, to fray. Though most often at the ends, splits can occur anywhere along the hair shaft and when it does happen, breakage occurs producing the feathery appearance in the hair that we refer to as split ends.
These little frizzies cannot be repaired.
The only remedy is the trimming of the hair on a regular basis. Ignoring the condition will only make the situation worse. The splits will continue up the hair shaft causing more damaged hair that will need to be cut off.
The careful trimming of one-quarter inch every six to eight weeks will keep the hair healthy while still allowing for longer growth. The best person for these trims is your hairdresser, however if you don’t know one you can trust it is possible for a trusted friend or husband to do occasional trims.

Follow these simple steps for hair that is all one length:
1. Part you hair in the center. Then part it from ear to ear across the top of your head. Secure the sides in front of the ears.
2. Move to the back. Place a horizontal parting through the center. Clip the top section to the top of you head.
3. Divide the lower section into narrow horizontal partings and secure each one with clips or bobby pins. Thick hair will require narrower partings.
4. Comb down one section at a time, starting at the bottom. Trim one-quarter inch from each section with sharp scissors, keeping the hair in the position in which it falls.
5. Repeat the partings in the upper back section and trim.
6. Repeat the process on each side.
7. Lift any shorter layers that may be in the hair and trim less than a quarter of an inch or just the tips.

To help prevent split ends, treat your hair as you would fine fabric. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Squeeze the water from the hair with an absorbent towel. Rubbing the hair can cause wear to the cuticle. Gently comb tangles from wet hair with a large-toothed comb, never a brush.


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